Swift Water Rescue Technician (5th edition, NFPA 1006) - Fire Exam Prep
a PERfORMANCE Training Systems, INC.TM company 561-277-9396
a PERfORMANCE Training Systems, INC.TM company 561-277-9396


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Firefighter Exam Prep

Swift Water Rescue Technician (5th edition, NFPA 1006)

  • Practice examination for Swift Water Rescue Technician
  • Self-scoring guide with page references for further study
  • Winning test-taking tips and helpful hints
  • NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel, Swift Water Rescue Technician, 2021 Ed
  • CFS, Swift Water Rescue: A Manual for the Rescue Professional, 2nd Edition
  • Jones and Bartlett, Water Rescue, Principle & Practice to NFPA 1006 and 1670: Surface, Swift water, Dive, Ice, Surf, and Flood, Third Edition
  • Recommended test-by-test reading lists
  • Time-management strategies and tactics for examinations.
