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a PERfORMANCE Training Systems, INC.TM company 561-277-9396


Performance Training Systems, Inc. (PTS) is the leading source for fire and emergency medical services preparation. We provide the tools necessary to pass certification, promotion, selection, and training examinations – and have for more than 20 years. Our up-to-date exams are written, validated, and continually updated by fire and emergency medical services personnel who represent 170 fire departments, and fire academies. Our test banks are used by 106 certification agencies, 360+ fire departments, and 127 fire academies worldwide. With 39 test item banks, composed of over 19,000 questions, our system provides the perfect foundation for your success.

To learn more about all that Performance Training Systems, Inc. has to offer, visit https://firetestbanks.com

Firefighter Exam Prep

Five Realities of Being an Emergency Responder

Hollywood’s portrayal of emergency responders has skewed the public’s perspective of what it means to be in emergency medical services. While these shows and movies help to inspire people to pursue a career in public service, they don’t provide a realistic idea of the commitment EMS work requires. Breaking through these misconceptions and understanding what it means to be an emergency responder is important to preparing aspiring EMTs, paramedics, and firefighters for the job ahead. If you are considering one of these careers, here are five realities of being an emergency responder. 

Physical Demand 

Emergency medical services requires dedication to your physical health and strength. Because emergency responders carry heavy equipment and may need to carry the weight of another person, being physically fit is a priority. EMTs, paramedics, and firefighters are constantly exercising to maintain their strength and stamina for when the job calls for these skills. Being able to climb multiple flights of stairs, control an active fire hose, or load an ambulance means you can’t afford to slack off on your fitness. Lacking physical fitness can lead to injury for yourself, your squadron, or civilians. 

Moreover, working as an emergency responder means you may be called for duty at any time of the day or night. If extra hands are needed, you are the first one on call and you must be prepared to respond immediately. At times, this may mean you are on a scene for hours on end working through the stress and exhaustion.  

Mental Demand 

Being responsible for other people’s lives is no small matter. Even when you prepare as best you can, there will always be a situation in which you are unable to save or protect someone. The mental toll of such a job can quickly and easily take over. Suicide and mental health issues like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are common in this career field because of this weight. Often the guilt or the feeling of having to grin and bear it only contribute to the problem.  

If you are a first responder or considering becoming one, remember: the lesson here isn’t about how strong you have to be mentally, but rather knowing it’s okay if you need to reach out for help. Support and help are out there for people living with the unique stresses and mental health issues associated with this line of work. 

Social Sacrifices 

This is not a 9 to 5 career that lets you just clock out at the end of the day. The shifts are longer and include weekends and all holidays. Committing to the life of an emergency responder means having to accept you will probably miss out on important events and milestones. This may mean missing out on Thanksgiving dinner or having to skip your best friend’s bachelorette party. For those with children, it also means time away from home and your family. 

While you do have a break between shifts, it is likely a fair bit of that time will be spent sleeping and resting. At times, it may even feel like you’re watching others’ lives unfold through social media rather than participating yourself. Friendships and relationships with those who don’t understand your career may suffer. This is why the camaraderie among squads is so important; these people will become your second family. 

Family Impact 

Unlike becoming a travel agent or architect, the emergency medical services career path carries a significantly higher risk for injury. This is not a job that only affects you; understanding that when you make the choice to start training for your career is important. There are hard but necessary conversations that need to be had concerning your wishes should the worst come to pass.   

The Reward 

Though your family and friends may worry every time there is an emergency situation, the sense of pride that comes with knowing you are actively making a difference is phenomenal. Doing what is right and necessary in times of crisis keeps your community safe for your family and friends. Additionally, the bonds you make with fellow emergency responders runs deep and is lifelong. Even when it seems like a thankless job, knowing your life is dedicated to serving those in need makes the long hours and hard days worth it. 

If you’re ready to start the journey toward being an emergency responder, contact Performance Training Systems today. Our comprehensive EMS exam preparation services ensure you are fully prepared for the test and the real world. 

Do You Need Access to One of the Best Printed EMS Test Preps?

If becoming an EMS professional or a firefighter is in your near future, then you must know that a great deal of preparation is involved. As an EMS professional or firefighter, you represent some of the biggest heroes of our nation’s workforce. We couldn’t be happier that you’ve decided to devote your life to helping people, and at Performance Training Systems we want to prepare you for the journey. As you must know, part of getting ready to become a working firefighter or EMS worker, requires you to take an official test, indicating that you are capable and ready to take on the major responsibilities these jobs represent. So, the best way to get you ready for the final exam, if you’re wanting to become an EMS professional, is by taking the printed EMS test prep. Once you have, you will feel much more prepared to face the real deal. Here’s how it all works.  

Ready, Set, Go! With a Printed EMS Test Prep  

Performance Training Systems has been helping individuals just like you, who are craving to go into the firefighter and EMS career, get prepared for the Official exams. We’ve been successful in helping thousands of people with nothing other than our online EMS test prep, or our equally famous printed EMS test prep. These test preps, are designed to help determine your current knowledge on the topics and get you well-acquainted and ready to learn about those topics you’re not as comfortable with. We carry out this process in three simple phases. The first thing you must do, if you’re wanting to prepare with us, is register and receive your identification number and testing resources. Our suggestion for this beginning phase, is that you actually take the time to read through the materials, not to try to look up answers. Once you have taken the test, you will receive a feedback report for all missed or guessed test items.  

Call Performance Training Systems for Excellent Printed EMS Test Preps 

For the second phase, there will be a 25% overlap of questions from the first phase, in addition to new test items. Our recommendation for this phase, is that you actually look through the testing materials in which you scored the lowest. Finally, the third phase will include 25% overlap of questions in both, phase one and phase two. The study, lookup, and review process for missed or guessed test items remains the same. If you know that you are at that point where you need to prepare for the official exams require to work in these fields, we suggest you give the wonderful team at Performance Training Systems a call and see how they can help you feel comfortable and secure in the process, by having the necessary preparation.  

Searching for One of the Best Online EMS Test Preps?

One of the most gratifying moments in life is when you decide what you want to do as a career. It’s an exciting moment for any individual because it helps us create vision for what we hope to become and what we hope to achieve in our lives. If you have chosen to dedicate your life to helping other people, what a great thing that is. You must know it, because it may have been what motivated you to become an EMS professional. Such a responsibility requires commitment and preparation. After all, you are partly responsible for the lives of other people. So, what can you do to best prepare for your upcoming EMS exam? Performance Training Systems has been aiding individuals like you who are searching for the best tools and resources in order to prepare themselves for this new journey. With our online EMS Test prep, you’ll be more than ready to take on the amazing opportunity of becoming an EMS professional. 

How will an Online EMS Test Prep Test Your Knowledge & Get You Ready?  

At Performance Training Systems, our online EMS test prep is designed to test the current knowledge of the individual. We want to know where you’re at right now, and elevate that knowledge along the way. The way we have been able to achieve that with the test preparers and takers that come through our doors is by designing a comprehensive set of steps that will help you navigate this process in a very straightforward way. Once you register and purchase your prep & testing materials, you’ll receive an identification number and password to enter your initial exam. We suggest that you focus on reading through the materials, more than anything else. That way, you’ll be aware of what’s coming up on phase 2. This stage contains up to 25% of the questions on the initial exam with some new ones. Our suggestions is that you pay special attention to those sections in which you scored the lowest on during the initial exam. The phase 3 exam will contain 25% of questions from the first two phases, and the study & lookup process will be the same.  

Call Performance Training Systems for the Best Online EMS Test Preps  

We have been providing aspiring EMS professionals and Firefighters with high-quality online and printed exam preps. Our goal is to get you ready for success, and what a better way to do that than through updated, approved test preps that will help you prepare for the real deal. If you want to an EMS professional or firefighter and need to prepare for your upcoming exam, call Performance Training Systems today.   

How to Become a Firefighter in Five Easy Steps!

Many children dream of being firefighters when they grow up. The challenge and excitement of battling blazing infernos and rescuing people who are in danger is thrilling for youngsters who don’t quite understand the demands and inherent dangers of being a firefighter. For some, however, the call to serve and protect never goes away. Those among us who are prepared to answer that call are cut from a different cloth. If you want to become a firefighter, here are the five steps you need to take. 

Check Off the Basics 

Before you begin the journey toward becoming a firefighter, you have to make sure you qualify. Recruits must be at least 18 years of age, though some limited on-the-job training can begin at a younger age. They must also hold a valid driver’s license and be able to pass a criminal background check and drug screening.  

During the recruitment process, applicants must demonstrate both mental and physical ability. Pre-tests to move forward to the next stage include written and physical components. For the written exam, applicants are test their spatial awareness, reading comprehension, mechanical reasoning, logic observation, and memory. Physically, one must be able to pass the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT). This includes being able to run for a pre-determined time period, rapidly climb up and down stairs, and lift and carry at least 200 pounds. 

EMT Certification 

Because firefighters often find themselves facing situations involving injury or illness, some jurisdictions require firefighters to be certified as Emergency Medical Technicians. This licensing includes basic first aid care for patient stabilization and transportation to a medical facility. CPR, tourniquet application, and wound treating as well as other basic care training can supplement your ability to act quickly and as needed.  

Learn more about Performance Training Systems EMS exam prep services here! 

Enroll in a Fire Academy 

Once you qualify as a future firefighter, enrolling in a fire academy can provide classroom and hands-on training can enrich on-the-job training. In the classroom environment, you can learn about things which may not be covered in the field, such as arson prevention or hazardous waste identification and management. Fire academies also provide controlled training scenarios to learn the proper techniques and methods necessary for a variety of real-world situations. 

Optional: Formal Education 

If you want to explore further career options within the emergency services industry, considering higher education options can help set you up for a full and fulfilling career. Colleges, universities, and trade schools offer Associate and Bachelor degrees that can make the path to career growth easier. For those interested in fire science, transitioning to a paramedic role, or seeking advancement in leadership as a firefighter, higher education may be necessary. A Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Forestry with a focus on firefighting or environmental protection opens employment avenues that may not be available otherwise. 

Continued Learning 

Even if you are not interested in other career avenues, continuous learning is vital to being a successful firefighter. Staying on top of advancements in fire prevention and firefighting technologies is key to protecting people and saving those in need. Continuing to take training courses and refresh your knowledge will keep you on top of your game for as long as possible. Firefighter exam prep with Performance Training Systems can help! 

For more information about our EMS and firefighter exam prep services, contact us today! 

Becoming an EMT: The Top Three Things You Need to Know

The call to help your fellow man is strong in some people, drawing them to public service careers like military, medical, or other public safety careers. For those who feel that need to protect and serve, the path to fulfilling that role may be in emergency response positions. EMTs, paramedics, and firefighters are often the first people on the scene when it comes to emergency situations like car accidents, fires, or medical emergencies.  

If you think you’re ready to answer the call and enter the emergency response field, here are the top five things you need to know! 

This is NOT a 9 to 5 Job 

Being in this field is a full-time commitment. This is not a job that clocks in at 9 am and out at 5 pm Monday through Friday. As an Emergency Medical Technician, you can expect long shift that never truly end because you may be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This includes weekends and holidays, which may be among the busiest times of the year. Be sure you are ready for the time commitment that comes with a career in emergency services. 

As an EMT, the majority of your time will be at home base in a dispatch center. That doesn’t mean you won’t be working. While on duty but not responding to a call, EMTs are responsible for keeping all equipment is top condition and fully prepared in case of dispatchment. Emergency responders also have to maintain their own physical condition to be able to respond as needed. 

The Difference Between EMT and Paramedics 

While the two terms are often used interchangeably, they are not one in the same. Emergency Medical Technicians are trained to respond quickly to emergency situations and provide medical support services and transportation to injured or ill patients. EMTs receive basic medical training to be able to provide life-supporting care. This includes CPR, tourniquet application, and wound treating, as well as stabilization for broken bones and spinal injuries.  

Paramedics have the same medical and emergency response training as EMTs with additional training to allow for more advanced levels of care. Where Emergency Medical Technicians receive about 120 to 150 hours of training on average, paramedic training can be between 1,200 to 1,800 hours. Paramedics can administer medication, start intravenous lines, and even perform advanced airway management procedures.  

Because both career paths share a common origin point, having adequate training on the most basic levels is important. All first responders are thoroughly trained both in the classroom and on the field to act quickly and accurately in order to save lives. Before one can be certified as an EMT, they must pass an exam to prove their knowledge and understanding.  

EMS exam prep services like those offered by Performance Training Systems can help you in your quest to become an emergency responder. Whether you need to know how to prepare for the EMS exam, online firefighter exam prep, or assistance with paramedical exams, we have the solution for you. 

High Demand 

Not everyone is suited for the life of an EMT. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians estimates about 700,000 EMTs provide services to 25 to 30 million patients per year. This is a high stress, high demand job which requires a cool head and the ability to think and act quickly and provide accurate care. You must be prepared for whatever the day throws your way, including life and death situations. This career path may open up doors leading to higher roles such as paramedic or firefighter work, but only for those who can answer the call. 

If you are on your way to becoming an EMT, we want to help you become the best you can be. Our EMS exam preparation services include online sample tests with randomly generated questions that meet NFPA standards to give you a well-rounded sense of what to expect. We also offer assistance preparing for firefighter selection or promotion exams. 

For more information about our services, contact Performance Training Systems today! 

How to Prepare for the Firefighter Exam

Are you studying to become a firefighter? Are you stressed about acing your written exam? Well, you’re not alone. In addition to the intense physical and practical applications of a firefighter’s training, a written exam is one of the components required to make your dream career a reality. But if you’re the type of person who doesn’t do well on tests because you just get nervous or clam up when the time comes, Performance Training Systems can show you how to deal with nerves and get on with the business of success. The firefighter exam prep test is one of our most popular services. In addition to the test, we offer you the tools and support to help you begin your career.

How Can I Best Prepare for My Firefighter Exam?

You’ve dreamed of becoming a firefighter all of your life, and now that dream is becoming a reality. Perhaps you’re following in your parents’ footsteps or are just drawn to the profession. Whatever reason, it’s going to take a lot of training and hard work to make the cut. Remember, there are going to be many candidates applying to become firefighters at the same time you are. Here are some tips to help you score high on your test so that you can gain a competitive edge:

• Remain calm and confident. Preparing for any test can give a person anxiety, but the best thing to do is remain calm before you take the test. This will ensure that you are present and focused on the day of your firefighter exam.
• Improve your performance. Taking firefighter prep tests like the ones offered at Performance Training Systems will help boost your performance and give you an edge when it comes to the competition.
• Practice, practice, practice. You know what they say: “Practice makes perfect.” In this case, we want to make sure you take as many prep tests before the actual exam so that you can pass your firefighter test with ease. At Performance Training Systems, we have several exams to choose from along with study guides, so that you’ll be on your way to improving your test score in no time.
• Get enough sleep the night before a test so that your mind is clear and ready to tackle every question with energy and enthusiasm. Studies have shown that a good night’s rest can help boost performance on tests.

Why Choose Our Testing System to Prepare for Your Firefighter Exam?

When you make Performance Training Systems your prep test choice, you are making a smart investment in your future. After all, we have your back! We have a reputation for excellence and our success proves it. Our unique system is designed so that you’ll learn from your mistakes and not repeat them on the actual test. By understanding what you excel at, you can focus your attention on overcoming those obstacles. We guarantee that when it comes time to take the real firefighter exam, you’ll ace it! Call us today at (561) 277-9396 or check out our website at https://firefighterpre.wpengine.com. With Performance Training Systems, you’ll get the help you need with a proven method that works!

Here’s How to Best Prepare for the EMS Exam

Performance Training Systems: Learn How to Best Prepare for the EMS Exam

Some of us have the luck of knowing from an early age what we want to do in life. Not everyone has that luck, and it’s important that once we discover our passion in life, we set a plan in motion and follow the path to get to our desired destination. Talent is important but so is hard work and preparation. As an aspiring EMS, once you know that that’s what you want to do as a profession, there are many resources that you can take advantage of along the way. One of the things you will have to do as you prepare to become an official EMS, is take an exam. In order to prepare for this exam, it’s essential that you make good use of any preparation tools available. Performance Training Systems, for instance has devoted their time to helping individuals like you, prepare for the EMS exam.  In this blog, we’ll give you some answers on how to prepare for the EMS exam. 

Steps on How to Best Prepare for the EMS Exam 

We couldn’t be more excited that you have decided to choose being an EMS as your profession. We know how important it is that you excel in your EMS exam, and we want to talk to you about an important resource that many aspiring EMS professionals are benefiting from. First thing, Performance Training Systems has been working hard to make sure that you have access to innovative tools and resources that actually do the job, as your preparing for your EMS Exam, which is why we’ve come up with both an online exam prep and a printed exam prep. Ultimately, you will have the chance to register and work with the tool you feel most comfortable with, as you prepare to ace this exam. Here are some of the steps you will take to prepare for this exciting adventure. And we promise that by the end of this blog, “how to prepare for the EMS exam”, will no longer be a concern. 

Timely & Effective Preparation for the EMS Exam 

 The first thing to do is visit our website, make sure you get down all of the relevant information you will need in this process. Call our offices if you have any questions. Then, the steps for both the online as well as the printed EMS exam prep will be listed there. One of the initial steps you will have to take is register and obtain all of your prep materials. Having done that, you will be taken through the process of evaluating your weak subjects and areas, and strengthening you in all the areas that need some reinforcement. The team at Performance Training Systems, will gladly help you throughout this process. After all, we are here to answer every single one of your questions and make sure that you have all of the information you will need to succeed in this important phase of your life. We are not exactly amateurs in this field, since we have been working to prepare aspiring EMS professionals for about 20 years. One key observation is that our exams are written, validated and continually updated by fire and emergency medical service personnel, so you can feel comfortable knowing that you’re getting prepared for the current official exam and not being prepared in some outdated version of it. For more information on how to best prepare for the EMS exam, call the team at Performance Training Systems at (561) 277-9396. 

How to Prepare for an EMS Exam

If your dream is to become an EMS professional, you’re not alone. Hundreds of candidates apply every year, ready to begin an exciting journey that involves extensive training. There is a lot of competition for jobs and not everyone will make it. But if this is your calling, then you’ll want to do everything possible to get a leg up on the competition to ensure you will succeed. While it’s commendable that you want to make helping others your life’s work, you will still need to pass a few tests to get your EMS license. Sometimes testing can be a tedious and there are some who just don’t do well on tests. At Performance Training Systems, we are here to tell you that you will pass your test with flying colors and we can help you do it!

How Can I Prepare for an EMS Exam?

Are you nervous about taking your EMS exam? If you’ve ever gotten a poor grade on a test, then you know it was probably because of something you didn’t do—study and practice. Well there is no need to worry any longer! At Performance Training Systems, our EMS prep tests arm you with the skills and tools necessary to succeed in your chosen profession. Some of our services include prep, promotion, selection, and training. We’ll tell you all you need to know about working with Performance Training Systems, and what you can expect from our team along the way.

What Can You Expect from an EMS Prep Exam?

At Performance Training Systems, we subscribe to the Systematic Approach to Examination Preparation, or SAEP. This system was developed by our founder, Dr. Ben A. Hirst, and provides a sure-fire way to excel at testing. We give exams that are continuously updated and are available in both print and digital form, so you can study and take prep tests on your computer anywhere you go. At Performance Training Systems, we want those going into the EMS field to have current knowledge and be prepared for what they might face in real life scenarios. Our tests are directly targeted towards finding your weaknesses and then figuring out the best way to play up your strengths. Our multiple-choice exam will reveal what you need to work on, and how to better prepare for the exam.

What Can You Expect Specifically from Our Testing System?

For one thing, we’ve made the instructions easy to follow. When prompted, you’ll have a choice of either a printed or an online version of the test and then you can begin answering the questions. It’s that easy! You have the freedom to choose when and where you want to complete the test. Just make sure you have enough time to answer all the questions. Gathering as much information from your answers will help us to pinpoint the areas you’ll need to work harder on.

If you’re ready to try our system of test exams to help you prepare for your EMS test, we are just a phone call away. Trust the experts at Performance Training Systems. We’re prepared to help you become the best version of yourself. Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from reaching your goals. Practice makes perfect, and with our team, you will get the support and guidance you need from beginning to end. Call (561) 277-9396 today to get started on the road to success.

Where Can I Get Test Prep Help for My Firefighter Exam?

If you’ve chosen a career as a firefighter, you know you have many challenges ahead of you. It can be a long and intensive process but worth every minute, since you’ll be helping people and that’s definitely something to be proud of. As you begin your journey towards becoming a firefighter, there are a few things you’ll need to do along the way to gain a competitive edge. Apart from the physical training and exam you’ll have to endure, there is also a written test that you must pass in order to obtain your certification. Basic subjects like reading comprehension, math, grammar and spelling will be covered, as well as many elements that relate to the firefighting profession – like spatial orientation, deductive reasoning, observation and memory. If you’ve been up nights worrying if you’ll even pass the written exam–put your fears to rest. Performance Training Systems can help! Our comprehensive tests have been praised as the leading prep exam course throughout the United States. We guarantee it will provide you with all the skills and tools you’ll need as you prepare to take your firefighter exam. Trust us to be your teacher. We’ve been doing this a long time, and we know what’s going to be on the test. Performance Training Systems covers an extensive range of topics and skills you’ll definitely be required to know.

Why We Offer the Best Firefighter Prep Test Around

At Performance Training Systems, our 20 years of solid experience have made us a national leader in firefighter and EMS prep testing. Since the beginning, we’ve been looking for ways to bring knowledge and success to the future of firefighting and EMS careers. We know that it’s not easy to absorb all of the information that you need to know in just a few weeks. That’s why we’re giving you the chance to review and take practice tests prior to your exam. Our tests are validated by fire and emergency individuals who come from over 170 fire departments and academies. Our 39 test item banks, alongside our compositions of 19,000 questions, give you an endless supply of prep tests and study aids to choose from.

Performance Training Centers offers firefighter prep tests that are guaranteed to help you succeed. Simply put, we aim to put you in front of the competition and that means we push you to achieve higher scores on your actual test. So, whether you plan to take the firefighter or EMS test, call us today and let us help you in your journey towards a successful, fulfilling future. Contact Performance Training Systems today at (561) 277-9396. We want to help you succeed!